Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sweet School Kisses

(Five little ducks went out to play . . . )
Last night we put our summer-time activities to rest for the season.

Summer is fun, but, the heat, THE HEAT! Even the sun has been ducking out a little earlier each night. Being the main attraction for months on end is exhausting, no?

Back-to-school thinking has taken over. My school feelings are all jumbled up. Is kinda happy and kinda sad a real feeling?

We toasted the evening with brownies, orange-pop champagne, and an ice-cream bar to entice the happy back-to-school feelings to come play.

After the 'school party (?)' Dave hopped up and asked who was ready for a blessing with all the gusto of a fresh RM.

It made me swoon.

Now i'm swooning again.

The silence of our house enveloped me as I listened to him pray for our children.   Sammy and I both soaked our cheeks with grateful tears.

As I closed up the house for the night and watched the last bits of summer melt away outside, I could feel the closeness of heaven.

3rd Nephi 17:23-24 sang out in my soul.

Now, back to that swooning!