Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday November. 12- LONDON

When the alarm rang this morning it hurt me. My eyes begged me to let them hide a bit longer.

They did not win that fight.

At 9 Cecelia and I slammed the door behind us and set off for the town of Alban.  It is actually not too far away, so C thought she would drive us.  About 20 minutes later we were officially lost and she got bothered was tired of driving.  We found a train station and ditched the car for a ride.

At first sight Alban looked like a small normal English town, but within several blocks it changed from new to old.  The houses were all connected on tiny streets with a pub or two thrown in. Not much has changed since the 1800's .
The recommended local restaurant is called The Waffle House, and, who am I to say no to a waffle? or better yet, a meat covered waffle?!  We made that meaty delight our #1 priority. What was even better than the meaty waffles was having Cecelia all to myself.  She is a gem!

Next we walked to the ancient looking Alban Abbey.  We took a guided tour and awed at the marvelous architecture.  The story of St. Alban is a sad one of beheading in the name of Christianity.  Those naughty Romans!

After St. Albans Abbey (which, by the way, had some original paintings on the wall that looked straight out of Indiana Jones) we made our way to a Roman museum that was full of artifacts from the area that dated back to 40A.D.  There were other Roman areas that had been excavated, but we just had no time to find and explore them.

We exited the museum only to find that it was dark out.  Our day together had gone too quickly!

On the way home we stopped for fish n'chips and milkshakes, because really, doesn't a milkshake make everything better?

While eating we watched America's Next Top Model and International Idiot.  The second show had Cecelia in stitches, but it all seemed a bit planned for me.

I have much more to say, but my head is bobbing and my eyes are demanding that I look for cracks in my eyelids again.