Thursday, April 23, 2009
This is to be a year of surprises.
On Christmas it started. Dave gave me a surprise that may never, NEVER be surpassed.
On that day he also stated, in front of witnesses, (my parents nonetheless), that his "hobby for the year" was to surprise me.
Some mmmhmmm, yeah rights, and whatever's escaped my lips.
He meant it.
The, ahem, Christmas gift, and the BIG trip. Both surprises. Didn't see them coming. AT ALL.
He hasn't stopped.
Last Sunday he struck again.
After driving home for 96 straight hours Saturday, yes, it was a LONG day, I planned on skipping the first hour of church on Sunday, Sacrament. Didn't I deserve just one less hour of dealing with crazy kids after our marathon drive Saturday?
For the first time in our marriage, Dave was explaining to me the importance of attending Sacrament, how I needed to be there, that Trent would be good, he promised!
He got me there.
Guess what.
He was a speaker.
We haven't spoken in Church in . . . 8 years?
Holy Smokes was I surprised.
A hottie of a hubby with a testimony.