Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mama Magic

Something has been missing at our house.

Mothers Day reminded me that it wasn't permanently gone, but rather, sleeping.

Dave was so, so, so sick on that holiday. The flu was visiting him like an old Aunt in no hurry to end her visit. Yet, he climbed out of bed and pale faced his way to the kitchen to make me breakfast. The aches were hanging all over him.

He whipped me up some eggs, hash browns, and chocolate milk. Then he dutifully handed off the tray to one of our 'shorter stature' people to be delivered to my bed.

Not that I was sleeping.

Trent's Mothers Day pressie was to keep me company while Daddy cooked. He even lovingly taught me his new game. We titled it Poke Eyes and Pull Hair. Bound to be a classic.

Once the tray was delivered senior sniffles crawled back in bed and played 'dead daddy' for the next 3 days. So, so, sick.

I was a bit low in spirits. Hearing of other peoples Mothers Day delights of sleeping in, time alone, etc., bothered me all day. Seeking to remember all the blessings that I have been given helped, ahem, for a minute.

Selfishness was awash, and it was sticky.

Then, I read this article. It was about Nie Nie. Her journey is like rocket fuel to my soul, or well, maybe just a bag of Doritos to my ego. Both are yummy, no?

It was right at the tail end that she grabbed me.

"I just feel like the mother figure is the magical figure of the family, the ones that do the holidays with grace and the ones that make everything special."

Magical. That is a gorgeous word. It's saved for fairies, princesses, and the unexplainable.

With that, inspiration crawled onto my lap.

My genes are full of magic. My mom IS magic. It must certainly be in me somewhere. Certainly she didn't keep it all for herself, right?

With that, the day ended and a new one started.

My soul was renewed, my wand dusted off, and my pixie dust refilled.

Spell casting is once again in season (and the selfish bit has been put out to pasture!).

My mom giving me a lesson on being magical, circa 1980.