Today was our driving day.
We got up early, finished packing, and threw the kids in their seats. Amazingly, everything went smoothly. Or, in other words, Dave and I were still speaking by the time we hit the road!
The kiddos ate just about the entire 12 hours (just like I taught them), watched movies, and sang. Trenty even got into it and shook his little diapered toosh to the beat in his car seat. That right there is why we keep him. That babe has an irresistible groove.
Dave made sure to hit some of my favorite truck stops, and yes, I do have my favorites:
Idaho Falls. Good, not great, but good. Fantastic candy collection and a nearby Subway gets them on my list.
Rocker, MT. My #2 all time fave. It is right outside of Butte, which just cracks Dave up. Enough said. This one has good bathrooms, WITH a changing table, and maybe 20 pumps to fill up at! That exclamation point I just gave them, COMPLETELY EARNED.
Haugan, MT. My #1 hands down. The 50,000 Silver Dollar. To enter the building is akin to having the ability to relive the best memory anytime you want. My parents and grandparents took us there on nearly every trip to and from Spokane/Kalispel all my years of growing up. It smells of cheese sandwiches, milkshakes, leather, and trinkety trinkets. Yes, they have a smell, and, I like it.
By mid evening we arrived. A full day of 12 1/2 hours of driving.
And, for the first time in ages, no one had to get out of the car and walk. It was a miracle.