Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday July 18th-Vacation Journal

For the second Saturday in a row we visited the Sandpoint Farmers Market. It was just Grandma, me, and the kids. Trenters was sleeping, so Dave opted to stay behind. Let me just say this, he missed out on some good tie-dyed shirts. Organic and everything.

At the market the kids piled onto a bike-taxi for a quick ride. While alone for the moment Grandma and I bought some healthy, nut-laced, sweetened with nature, fully organic, cookies. Mmmm, kinda crumbly critters. Perhaps a glob of butter would have helped?

After the market we returned home for a quick turn around. The heat was screaming for us to be on the beach.

We marked our territory with towels, our African themed sand toys, and an exceptionally white bodied baby wearing nothing but a swimmy diaper. Dave even tried tanning for a minute. I do believe he may have gone from florescent white to a slightly eggshell white. Yeah Dave!

By the evening we were ready to cool down. The heat had marched deeply into our bones.

The Shea's (my mom's business partner), had invited all of us, along with some clients (Hi!) to enjoy a bbq at their lake house, which, lucky for us, is 100 feet from where we are staying.

It was the most wonderful, un-organic, full of flavor (and bacon!), dinner that we were needing.

One more for the history books.