Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thursday July 9th-Vacational Journal
Vacation mode has finally arrived.
Hair and makeup are at a minimum.Clothes, well, we're not using much of them anymore. Today, we woke up and put our swimsuits and coverups on. There, done! We're on vacation, don't the people get that? That shoes and shirt law for public buildings is just asking too too much!
Vacation is how people, normal people, become hippies.
We started out the day with a trip to the beach. My parents and I answered questions from the game 'Would you Rather,' which, wow, really stumped me here and there. Choosing between being hit with a Tsunami or an avalanche is a lot harder than I had anticipated.
After the beach we had a grassy picnic followed by all the kids taking naps. Grandpa and I took this time to locate a bike trailer for Trent. We hit every sports store in town until finally, finally, BINGO. Unfortunately it was $25 per day! For that much, I should have just strapped our own to the roof and brought it with us. Live and learn, right? We opted for the cheaper, Dave banned, riding chair that attaches to a bike. Love you Dave!
Once we returned home and everyone was up again we headed to the pool. It was fairly uneventful except for Trent's vocalizing of obscenities in public. Apparently lady bug floaters are not cool for 17 month-olds. Who knew?!
Dinner was a trip to Arby's wherein we opted to sit outside because of the before stated reasons. Shirts and Shoes. That rule is suddenly so harsh. We are on VACATION people. Shoes are NOT required!
We welcomed the evening by assembleing the bike seat and squeezing Grandma's oozing wound. Yes, oozing. There are no words to describe. I have heard of infected wounds, but, wow. Even her doctor is concerned. Hopefully the antibiotics get it under control soon?
It's bedtime now, and this hippy is tired.