Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Adventure Seeker

"Adventure" day 2 is officially being put to bed right now.

It's odd, good, different, fun, and scary. All wrapped together.

No, Jamie, it's not what you think. Noooooooooo way is it that. Nope. Uh uh. DONE.

Dave is home full-time now. He is making a go of Stevenson Software. So all day he is around. All day.

The decision to jump the career ship has been waddling around in his mind for years now. His notice was handed in 2 weeks ago, and the ticker began.

So now I am a full-time Mommy and he is self-employed. Neither of our names are floating around on a payroll, anywhere.

A person with more courage would be hard to find.

I married him because of that courage.

A quote copied (thanks mom!) from Facebook sums it up:

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."

Don't know why I thought of this video, but I did. This is Dave convincing me to jump a 100 ft. cliff. Maybe it was 150 ft? If you watch carefully you may notice someone fearing death and the other smirking.

Pushing me beyond myself is something he is good at.