Saturday, May 1, 2010


(Dave on his mission 'adventure' in Brazil '96)
A long time ago I tried to impress a boy.

When he mentioned Vegas, I said 'let's go!' When he mentioned camping, I said 'can't wait!' When he pointed to the Stratosphere in Vegas, I said 'you bet!'

Truly, i'm not a camper, gambler, or good with high heights.

Then, he mentioned Six Flags. A roller coaster park. My response was . . . 'heck ya!'

Really, they make me kind of sick.

Too late, he already had us in the parking lot. My gift of feigning excitement sometimes gets out of hand.

That boy is at it again. I feel like i'm in the 8-point harness with my eyes shut and feet dangling.

He promises the next ride we are starting will be okay.

And, he swears he will even hold my hand when I get nauseous in the middle.

Experiences don't come easy. And every experience that he has pulled me into I wouldn't trade. For ANYTHING.

WE are going on an adventure. This adventure stuff is what a life is made of, right?