Monday, September 6, 2010

Birds in the house

(Big breakfast for 1)

Herein is where I whine.


On Sunday I woke up with a crink in my neck.  Eight new dastardly mosquito bites strategically placed ALL OVER.  Two useless thumbs from peely yard-work blisters.  And, AND 1 diaper in the house to last all day.

Did I mention the fridge is empty?

I laid in bed, not wanting to get up, hoping for exhaustion to play its victory dance and give me 10 more minutes of rest. Why exhaustion? Because waking up is hard work.  That's why.

But, no, Trenty was awake and chirping for me to spring him from his nest. He also wanted to break out that last diaper.

After retrieving my little bird I pulled him into our bed to cuddle.  My offering of a plumpy  two-year old to snuggle with earned me a roll of the eyes from Dave.

He wasn't about to share his pillow.

Now I had to share my pillow.

I do not like sharing my pillow.  Especially with people who like to poke my nose.

Soon the house was moving with the noise of 4 kids,  and I was left alone in my warm cocoon which refused to release me.

My peely thumbs and I laid there listening to the legos being dumped out, a fight over a waffle, hair being pulled, and a toddler meltdown.

(I don't know where Dave was.  Hiding somewhere possibly?)

I listened to the noise.  It was kind of squawky.

And, like any good Mama, I went back to sleep.