Friday, February 26, 2010

Cocoa Date

Old men filled my morning.

A lot of old men.

16 to be exact.

Since moving to Highland, almost 6 1/2 years ago, a tiny cafe has called to me. I drive by it several mornings a week in the sticky darkness of 5-something a.m. Every time, every time, it winks its lights at me. It was lusting for me as much as I was lusting for it.

Today, I finally caved. At 5:58 a.m. Alex and I drove our bed headed selves to Tangies in American Fork. A hot-date indeed.

We entered, Alex shyly, and me smiling a bit too big for the hour. All the heads in the joint turned. The smell was old coffee cups, old men, and aftershave from 25 years ago. If it were available for purchase I would be smothered in it right now.

Alex and I sat in a corner booth and drank our .84 cent hot-cocoa's and ate our $3.50 french toast platters. We giggled at the oldies talking about getting themselves on the Intern-net and the older waitress who was obviously a flirt with all the grey-hairs in the place.

It felt like home. Maybe a ranch in Montana? Maybe like trying to grasp an uncatchable memory?

Tangies and I, yeah, we're going to have a thing.