Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Two years and counting

Dear Trenter,

You were born on a cold February day in 2008. Getting you to term was hard. At times I wondered if I could do it. Many tears were shed while you grew. You were the joy at the end of a hard tunnel.
(Trent, 2 weeks old)

After many grueling hours of pain, you finally graced this world as a 10 pound healthy baby boy. We counted our blessings. YOU completed our family.

(Trent, February 2009)
By age 1 you were asserting yourself and making demands on us. When you insisted that we tag along with Grandma and Grandpa to Hawaii so you could sun-bathe nude on your birthday, we couldn't help but oblige you.

Getting to forever hold the memory of your cute nakie-bum was worth the airfare.

By August of 2009 you were 1 1/2. The morning Abby started kindergarten and officially started her public school career we were left alone together. Just us. As I wept mourning her absence I followed you around with the camera finding solace in you. The beauty of your spilled fruit loops overwhelmed me with the joy of getting to be your mommy.

(Trent February 2010)
Now you are 2 and have earned the title of our Terrible Trentrum (believe me, you have earned that word) throwing Trenter. You are climbing, saying little words, bobbling your little head, chasing, chewing, and giving all your 'loves' to us.

We love you Trenter. Now, and always.

