Friday, April 9, 2010

London Day 4-April 9th

We were to wake up early today to catch a train to Bath. Neither Dave or I heard the alarm. We hurried about getting ready, not wanting to be the ones that everyone (Cecelia, Marilyn, Angie, and Melissa) had to wait for.

By some miracle, they didn't have to wait too terribly long for us.

We hopped the Tube to the train station (Paddington I think) and located the train ticket office. Before long we had loaded up on sandwiches and treats and found our seats for the 1 1/2 hour ride.

We looked out the window at the rolling city, countryside, and small towns. Laughing seemed to be in style with our group, so we did a bit of that too.

Did I mention that it was Dave's b-day? It was.

Once in Bath we found a potty (with an open window by the throne-to watch other passer-byer's?) and bought a city tour bus ticket.

Of course we sat on the top floor of the bus without a roof. The architecture was pointed out, where Beau Nash lived (google him), and the home of Jane Austin, to name a few.
(Dave & C on the top of Bath Abbey)

Once officially bus-toured up we decided to explore Bath Abbey in the middle of town. A tour was soon starting so we joined right in and found ourselves climbing a tiny twisting stairway to the Bell tower with two Bell boys. They were over-the-top English, and over-the-top excited about their jobs as Bell boys. Inside the Bell tower Dave greeted us all with a hearty "ELLO." The perfection that his greeting was will never be forgotten by any of us there.

After the Abbey our group split up. Dave and I choose to tour the Roman Baths, which, may I say, those Romans are amazing, and, ahem, like to be nakey! A trip to Rome will definitely be on our 'someday' travel list.

Several hours later we met up again outside of Jane Austin's house. Angie was all excited because she had just finished reading all of Jane Austin's books.

By this time it was late afternoon so we needed to eat. Jamie Oliver has a restaurant there, and since it was Dave's birthday (and his choice), that is where we headed. The atmosphere was fun, hip, and perfect . . . but the food, and service, was a bit hit and miss. Probably a restaurant I wouldn't be quick to return to.
(My somewhat iffy salad)

We bid our farewells to everyone and just Dave and I were left alone for the evening. We roamed around the streets, peeked at all the shops, walked on the 'proposal trail' from the book Persuasion, and finally found ourselves a good place to people watch.

(Crescent Court)
Almost forgot, we learned a lot about Queen Victoria. She has some beautiful parks and monuments there, but for the most part she never saw them because she disliked the people of Bath. Saying she had fat ankles ruined the town for her.

By late evening we had walked ourselves out and people watched as much as we could.

(My 'senior picture' along the proposal trail)

We caught the train back to London, and for Dave's sake I will mention this (remember the fancy cheese we bought and telling me not to open it on the train . . .) Let's just say that fancy cheese smells rather bad and strong.

After the cheese incident I don't remember much as I must have passed out from exhaustion.

Another absolutely wonderful (and romantic) day of hand holding

Good night.