Thursday, April 8, 2010

London Day 3- April 8th

Best nights sleep ever. Didn't wake up even to roll.

We woke up ready to get moving. Cecelia's shower is new fancy one with a rain-like shower head. Apparently it's been awhile since I did the fancy thing and I whacked my head on their shower wall. I laughed myself silly over that.

My hair dryer has voltage settings so I brought it. Unfortunately I didn't realize that it wasn't an automatic change, so I hadn't switched the special knob to adjust to their different voltage. After a brief crazy dryer spell and a few sparks, it burnt out and refused to be revived.

Once another dryer had been located and I readied myself up, we were quickly out the door. We flew ourselves around town in a double decker bus, which, from our vantage point on the second floor, it appeared that we were running over everyone. Apparently it didn't, but it gave us a good chuckle.

Our first stop was at 1 The Drive, Dave's old home. We walked down Lovers Lane (which to his recollection was much longer). It lane had the most beautiful old wooden doors in the rock walls to every one's back yards. Dave remembered so many little details that had slipped his memory.

We stood outside his home, which has been made into a retirement home and he and his mom poured out their memories. They told of their skate ramp and all the noise they made on it that bothered all the neighbors. Even the police were called to check the noise levels on it at one point.

Next we found a Pub for lunch. Marilyn had fish and chips, I had mash and sausage, and Dave had Shephards pie. Asking for a water in the pub I felt foolish. Apparently water isn't the norm here. You have to be specific and ask for tap water or you end up paying for fancy bottled water. Even Cecelia doesn't drink tap water.

Once full we hopped a bus to ASL (The American School of London) where Dave attended 2nd-8th grade. Upon walking near the entrance a security guard came out to meet us and find out our business. He looked Ukrainian (?) with his air of toughness and wasn't there to fool around. We explained ourselves and he let us enter. We were issued visitor passes and given a tour.

Dave remembered much more than I had expected. Where his classes were, the playground, the snacks they sold, and dancing with Nell (Dave had quite the crush). Our tour guide was named Erin, and she wants us to send her some info on Dave's apps to feature him in the Alumni magazine. Dave won't do it, but I will.

Just down the road a bit is the famous Abbey Road and Studios where the Beatles recorded. Although I have a picture from my first time visiting I wanted another. Dave and Marilyn obliged and Marilyn snapped a few of Dave and I crossing over the famous street.

On our return trip through downtown we searched Kings Cross station and found the famous Harry Potter platform, 9 & 3/4. It seemed a popular place as we weren't the only tourists taking a picture of it.

By now it was mid-afternoon. Exhaustion/ jet lag was beginning to creep in, and it was not happy with us. While walking around Covent Garden I hit the wall. Out of nowhere I got teary. For NO REASON. Oh my embarrassing. Marilyn and I took a break because her legs were aching. A snack and a good street performer later we were good to go.

We had meant to make it home to clean up before our evening but had miscalculated out time. Staying in Covent Garden was our best option. We met met Cecelia and Chris for dinner, and after shoveling through some thick crowds we found a place. We were seated in a small windowless room that was already packed with people. We were so happy to find a place that we didn't dare complain, even though to get into our seats we had to physically move the table around to squish by the other seated guests.

After dinner we met Melissa and Angie and headed to the theatre for Oliver. In the theatres here you are allowed to eat (which is amazing considering the absolute fanciness of them). So we all bought snacks and found our seats. We were seated on the main floor maybe 15 or so rows back. Fairly great seats if you ask me.

Within the first 15 minutes the jet lag again struck Dave and I. Our heads were bobbing with drowsiness. Until intermission I had to space out eating Minstrels to keep my head still. At intermission Dave was ever the gentleman and bought us all ice-creams. The play was fantastic, and very, very, well done.

After the show (around 10ish, or 5 A.M. Utah time) we made our way home to Southgate. After exiting the tube there is a very short bus ride to get to Cecelia's. While everyone else waited Dave and I decided to walk it. Towards the end we saw the bus coming so we ran to beat everyone. It was a tie. Nonetheless, we had a good giggle doing it.