Saturday, June 26, 2010

The new HOT

Right now I have 4 sleeping kiddos.

All exhausted.  All sunburned.  All missing their Daddy.

Dave is out of town.  This time to Chicago,  his high school home town.

My memory of Chicago is HOT.  Melty, sweaty, heavy air hot.

He swears it's not.

I remind him of that time.  THAT TIME we drove a Honda Civic across the country with a 6-month old and a  1 1/2 year old to Chicago/Nauvoo from Utah.  In.  July.

No amount of time can wipe away that HOT memory.

Dave gets home tomorrow night.  And, I have a surprise for him.  It's a new HOT.  I like to call it Utah, late June, AC has gone out HOT.

It's awesome.
Hurry home Dave. You're not going to want to miss this.

(Apparently we were 12 when we had kids?)