Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday Nov.8th-Tuesday Nov.9th. LONDON

Today counts as one long continuous day.

After getting the kids off to school I had until 2:30 to get ready to leave for a week.

That means I had to hit the grocery store hard. Most of my cooking had been done on Sunday, so it was all the little things that needed buying so my conscious could rest. Because, heaven knows if I don't have enough milk in the fridge they will all get dehydrated and die. True story. It happens.

Once that job was all done it was already 12:30 and I hadn't packed yet.

For an international trip.

I know that just wounded your soul mom. Sorry?

My timing cut it close, but we successfully made it out the door on time.

The drive to the airport was lovely until I talked to my Mom and she got me all mushy and emotional. I missed her. I wished whole heartedly she was with me. Tears dribbled.

Missing her reminded me that I would be alone for the next week.

No Trenter. No Alex. No Sammy. No Abby.

My heart tied itself up in knots.

As I waited in the security line alone I fought back the tears. It helped that I was surrounded with young-buck missionaries on their way to their adventures.

I want to be someone that adventures. I want my kids to see me be adventurous. I want THEM to be adventurous.

So with my heart in my throat I waved my final goodbye to Dave and was officially alone on my international adventure.   For a good 3-4 minutes I ddi not breathe.

First stop Minneapolis, then over the Pond. I had two seats to myself on the long flight (9 hours) but that did not mean that I slept well. Fitfully might describe it best.

I awoke to the morning light and a clear view of Ireland's coast. Will I go there someday? Yes, I think I will!

We arrived at Heathrow and I followed the crowd. Immigration was a snap. Next, money changing, luggage, and perfecting my look of "I'm not a tourist, please don't rob me!" I found the Tube, topped up my Oyster card and grabbed a seat.

Next stop. Southgate Station, followed by bus #125.

An hour and a half later I stood at their neighbors door and collected Cecelia and Chris's house key. I had made it.

I had a good 4 hours until they would be home, so I unpacked and headed for the high street. Asda had some chocolates and candies that some kiddies I know would be waiting for.

By 7 both C & C were home and insisting on making dinner, although I insisted that I had already eaten. They would have nothing of it so Cecelia and I headed to Marks & Spencers and picked some lasagna's. I had to be stealthy, but I successfully beat her in paying for dinner.

When dinner was finished the clock read 9:57.

Could it be?

So now I am in my big fluffy bed, up the spiral stairs, on the 3rd floor, listening to the London traffic outside and missing my family.

So off to sleep I go.