Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fibber Faddle

(Abby working her magic)

It's honesty time.

I don't know what i'm doing. A lot.

This stay-at-home-mom thing is nuts.

Absolutely, full of nuts.

My life plan omitted this period.

Do I have a point? Am I making any difference?

And then, a pause happens.

Abby just gave me pause, 20 minutes ago to be exact.

We were at an impasse as to who had cut up her shirt in class today.

For sure it wasn't her.

It was blamed on all the other shirt cutters in her class.

With big eyes her innocence was proclaimed. 10 times.

Holding her in my arms, swearing an oath of ever-lasting love, and a promise of joy, if, if she was the shirt cutter, because, you know I love those shirt cutters, she crumbled.

Yes, crumbled. Her little body heaved with the sorrow of having cut up her shirt and fibbing about it.

She held onto me with vigor, sobbing tears into my neck.

I rejoiced! Hallelujah for shirt cutters! I was so proud of her! She graced me with a smile.

I promised her a million more shirts.

She promised no more cutting, and, no more fibbing.

Today, I knew my point.