Wednesday, April 7, 2010

London Day 1 & 2 - April 5/6

(Outside Cecelia & Chris's home in Southgate)

Today and yesterday count as one day. The time changes and time lost mean that I am a bit messed up.

Grandma & grandpa arrived On Monday evening after a long day of travel that included a canceled flight and a 5 hour layover. And yet, they were completely chipper. We had a few minutes to chat with them before it was bedtime . . . which reminds me, we had them sleep in the basement in the girls room. In separate little pink twin beds . That picture was priceless.

In the morning Dave and I were up and in the car by 7:45 to catch our 9:45 flight. The hardest part about leaving was Trent. He knew we were going somewhere, well, he knew as much as a 2 year old can, and had physically adhered his body to me. We hugged everyone and I handed over a sobbing little 2 year old. I was informed that all the kids actually cried on our leaving.

Dave and I both exchanged our thoughts in the car. It was exciting to be going somewhere together, and yet, neither of us could wait to be back home.

Our first flight was 3 hours to Atlanta. I had just finished the book Hunger Games the previous night, so I had brought along the second in the series, Catching fire. I read the entire flight. We arrived to an airport that was fighting the 84 degree temperature outside. The sun shining through the glass panes begged me to soak in it. Instead, Dave diverted my attention away and led me to some southern chicken and Dunkin doughnuts. That boy knows me well.

After our 2 hour layover we boarded the plane to London at 5:15P.M.. The next stop would be at 7:30 A.M. in Gatwick. On this flight (which was about 8 1/2 hours long) the plan was to take some Ambien, sleep the entire time, and avoid the jet lag. I took the Ambien and didn't get sleepy. Not sleepy AT ALL. Instead I read straight through and finished all 391 pages in Catching Fire. We landed at what would be 12:30 A.M. Utah time.

It was rush hour and everyone was headed to work. Everyone as in ALL OF LONDON. Our suitcases on the Tube didn't win us any friends. One train ride quickly followed by a busy Tube jaunt, we soon found ourselves in Southgate, our home for this next week. We called a cab because pulling our luggage another minute would kill us. We soon found our way to Cecelia and Chris's doorstep.

Cecelia opened her front door and welcomed us with her fuzzy brown robe and glorious smile. I must say, she was worth the 18+ hours of travel.

Within 20 minutes of arriving we laid down and passed out. After several hours of what was quite possibly the best nap of our lives we woke up and Cecelia drug our sorry selves in her mini-car to Sainsbury's, the local supermarket. We loaded up on Minstrels, Nutella, and some fancy bread.

Once home again we all, including Melissa and Marilyn, (Melissa and Marilyn arrived shortly after we awoke from our naps from their trip to the Ukraine) sat around the kitchen while Cecelia prepared dinner. While the chicken was cooking we watched some Cricket and a cooking show that had Cecelia in stitches. Cecelia did impressions of all the stars and does a smashing good imitation of people from India. We still had some time to kill and the jet lag was starting to take effect so Dave and I decided to take a stroll through a local park. The crisp moist air woke us up and promised to give us the much needed boost we needed.

Dinner was chicken, veggies, bread and potatoes. Chris, Cecelia's husband, made it home just as we were sitting down to eat. After dinner we cleared the plates and I found myself alone at the sink, staring out the back window into their English garden with my hands full of soapy water. Perhaps it was a bit of the jet lag, but the entire moment felt surreal. I was in England, in an English home, staring out the back window into an English garden, listening to the joyous laughter of English friends . . . I wanted to just freeze the moment to keep forever.

Finally, after flying through 5 countries that day and having several hang-ups Angie arrived. We were now complete for our adventure to begin.
(Cecelia and I choosing our morning fancy breakfast cheese)