Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Still time

For the last week and a half I have been still. Still is fine. But fine isn't what i'm wanting now.

I'm supposed to be training. I have been training. I have fallen in love with that handsome hunk I oogle at, Mr. Training. He's a dreamy, hard to catch, sorta fella.

Mr. Training has been someone that I never intended to chase after, until now. This training (currently for the Ogden 1/2) has never, never-ever, ever been on my bucket list. Fun and Run have rarely ever mingled together in my mind.

Things changed last summer when I actually joined the 'running for fun' world and was included in some sporting events. Getting the t-shirt at the end, and not humiliating myself in the process, was to be my big payoff.

Somewhere in the middle of the events I realized that running is kinda fun. Not roller-coaster with ice-cream cone fun, but, being better than myself fun.

Dave has been my coach, telling me the what's-its-and-whose-its of how to improve my running. It has been too easy. Run, be sore, rest, repeat.

Until that run in Provo nearly 2 weeks ago.

Within hours of finishing something had changed. I was 'normal-sore,' plus something extra. Running even 5 feet wasn't an option without tremendous pain in my left knee. I'm used to running pains and how long it takes them to fade.

This hasn't faded. And, I haven't run since.

Perhaps I wasn't thankful enough? Perhaps I was taking my health for granted? Perhaps it's just a test of patience?

Heavenly Father gives and he takes.

And, even though this isn't fun, and it's a big-bump in the road, i'm grateful for the reminder that I am being watched over and dealt challenges . Even if I don't like the way that was chosen.

As my mom would say, "this too shall pass."

I know it will too, right?